Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The things I wanted to say...

but couldn't.

Yesterday was one year since our little miss was baptized. I think from now on, that day will always be a little bittersweet to me, as I rejoice for the gift of having my grandfather baptize my daughter, but also mourn that he won't be here to do that for any more of our children.
So, while thinking of him yesterday, I also recalled the things that were going through my head a couple weeks ago.

I wanted to get up and say some things at the funeral vigil for my grandfather, but somebody (who shall remain nameless) was overtired to the nth degree and running around like a crazy person in the back of the church. So, here are the things I wanted to say to everyone there.

I met my grandfather when I was 8. But you would never have known that. There was never a second of my life that I doubted that he loved me as though I had been his granddaughter all my life. I often say how lucky I am that my dad found someone who loved me and David as though we were her own. It takes a special sort of person to be able to really and truly do that. But a whole family of people? That's a jackpot. I was honored that my grandfather could perform our marriage sacrament when George and I got married, and even more honored that he baptized Amy. Having him be such a special part of those big moments in our lives is something I will always cherish. But remembering, too, all the little moments I had with him growing up...that is something special. He embodied what is means to be Christ to others. And I wish I had told him what a difference that made to a little 8 year old...that he was my grandpa from the first.

1 comment:

Barb Bathon said...

Hello! I am the one who is honored to have been asked by God to be one of the two mothers in your life. I also thought of the baptism yesterday, looked at the pictures and realized how much can change in a year. I thought how what we do impacts others in ways we will not fully realize or understand until Heaven.
Love, Mom