Thursday, September 2, 2010

7 Quick Takes - August Edition

What do i say about August. There was good, there was bad, and there was just plain sad. It would be too much to write a super-detailed post about, so I went with the quick takes stand-by.

1. I turned 28. I actually didn't remember it was my birthday until my hubby wished me happy birthday that morning. Then I had to think for a minute whether I was turning 27 or 28.

2. We drove 15 hours (each way) to visit my fam in SC. It was kind of sad, b/c we had been hoping to move there, so it was a bummer to be "just visiting". I didn't really want to leave.

3. While we were there, my grandpa, who had been fighting cancer for 4 months, entered hospice (in Phoenix, where he lived). Before we left, he was given 2-3 weeks. He passed away the day after we got back home.

4. I flew with Amy to Phoenix. I hate to fly, but it was important to my family for me to be there, and I wanted to be with everyone. It was exhausting flying with a toddler (especially when I am a nervous wreck of a flyer), but we did it, and I'm glad I was there.

5. We found out Amy is anemic. It's not serious, we're giving her vitamins with iron and they'll recheck her iron levels at her 15 month appt. Doc said it's very common, and the vites should take care of it. Just praying that it really is that simple.

6. I got to nanny for a couple days for one of the kiddos I used to nanny for daily. She's FIVE now. She was 20 months when I started. It was so much fun being able to see her (and her big brother - sadly only for a few minutes at the end of the day) again.

7. Amy's one year check-up was great!! She was 20lb, 12oz, and 29in. Back up in the 5oth percentile for height and weight. Her head is in the 75th, but she is, after all, her father's daughter. ;)

That's about it. Like I said, good, bad, and sad. But we're looking forward to cooler weather here. And hopefully seeing my brother up at ND in a few weeks.


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