Sunday, September 19, 2010

Graham Crackers and Milk...This One's For You, Pop-Pop!

Graham crackers and milk always makes me think of my dad. I couldn't wait to share it with my little miss.

As you can see, it's one of her very favorite things to do! Hi, Pop-Pop!

1 comment:

Barb Bathon said...

Why is it so amazing that Amy takes after her grandfather? Those Pop Pop genes are amazing aren't they. Cutest child in the whole wide world. She even looks like Pop Pop, doesn't she? And she has my sunny disposition! Have a great day in KC!


Pop Pop

PS: Pop Pop only discovered late in life how well canned vanilla icing goes with graham crackers. Since Emily certainly won't introduce such a nutritious food to Amy, Pop Pop will take care of that next time we visit!!!!