Sunday, September 19, 2010

Update On Our Little Miss

This kid just seems to be growing before my very eyes. I constantly look at her and think, "Holy cow! When did she get so big?!" (possibly followed by a tear or two as I mourn the loss of her babyhood)

Her thigh rolls are getting smaller every day, and the baby chub is slowly disappearing. She's a super-confident walker now, and she "dances" too! SPOILER ALERT: She just stomps her feet really fast. And it's kinda clumsy. But it's so adorable. She's got moves only a mother could love. :)

She's babbling all the time, and can say almost 20 words. Granted, they're mostly the first syllables of words (Ba = Ball, Meh = Milk, etc), but uses them correctly and voluntarily, and her language comprehension is right on track. Her newest word is Door. She applies it to everything that opens and closes. Not always accurate for say, a drawer, or the cover of a book, but she's got the concept down.

Weight: 22 lbs, give or take an ounce or two
Height: 29 1/2 inches
I feel fortunate that she's not a picky eater...yet. I'm told it's right around the corner.

We're learning about body parts, and she correctly identifies eyes, hair, nose, hands, and feet. Not always on herself, but always on me or her Daddy.
She's so happy. I love that so much. She has such a joyful spirit, and she's confident and sure of herself in most situations.
I feel so lucky to be able to spend my days with her.

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