Friday, February 18, 2011

What I Love About Toddlers: Sarcasm Edition.

1. I love when my toddler shrieks as loud as she can - and at the highest pitch imaginable - when she is frustrated. Such a sweet, sweet sound.

2. I love that if I have to leave the room, she goes straight for the wipes, climbing over any obstacle in her way, so that I can return to the room with a huge pile of individual wipes to put back in the container. She knows how much I love to do that.

3. I especially love #2 right after I have refilled the wipes container. It makes for maximum cleanup. She's so considerate.

4. I love that I have to put my toddler in timeout 80 times a day for throwing heavy toys onto the floor. While staring straight at me.

5. I love how my toddler eats her food one crumb at a time. She's so dainty.

There will be a sincere edition. But not today.

1 comment:

Barb Bathon said...

1. what does not kill us makes us stronger
2. sew reap concept
3. just like her momma
4. getting you ready for raising a boy
5. hahahahahaha