Monday, February 14, 2011


What have we been up to? Not a whole lot, really. I seem to come up with witty blog posts as I'm drifting off to sleep and then in the morning I can't seem to put them as well as I had hoped.

I dread being a boring blogger, but I guess I have to remember that this is really just a way to log our memories, right?

Amy is growing like a weed. She had her 18 month appt last week and her stats are:
Weight: 25.5 lbs - 70th %
Height: 32 in - 55th %

Since her struggles to gain weight between 4 and 6 months, she's been solidly in the 5oth % for weight, so I was glad to see that she's still growing well. She hasn't reached that picky toddler eating stage yet, thankfully.

It's funny to see her height be so average when everyone we meet remarks on how tall she is for her age! I had a bittersweet moment last night when I checked on her before I turned in. She had turned herself around in her crib so that she was laying across the width of her crib. When we first brought her home, that's how we laid her in the crib and she seemed so small! Now, with her legs all curled up because she no longer fits that way, it was shocking to see that my baby had gotten so big!

She's still a really good-natured kiddo. She likes to cuddle up and read books (some of which she's now "reading" to us), but is also always on the go! She's starting to show off her little temper sometimes, but will still go to timeout all on her own. She has over 50 words, and is beginning to put them together. She likes to narrate what she sees going on, even if a lot of what she says is still hard to understand!

It's amazing to see her answer questions purposefully, instead of just guessing a yes or no answer. The child knows what she wants, that's for sure.

We couldn't feel more blessed by our girl. She's so funny and loving. Can lightning strike twice? I sure hope so.

1 comment:

Barb Bathon said...

Thanks for all the information and stats on the perfect baby!!