Friday, February 18, 2011


Today started out really well! Its a great day...the sun is shining, its a decent 50 degrees outside, but then I made a mistake. I asked for help.

Why do people who are always saying they "just want to help" make it so, SO hard for you when you actually take them up on it?

George and I work really hard to be independent, that's true. We want to be self-sufficient, and not have to depend on others for help. It doesn't mean we want to be above needing help, just that we know we should be able to do a lot of things on our own, and not develop a habit of never dealing with our own stuff.

I'm firmly in the camp of "Sometimes you've got to put on your big kid pants and DEAL with it". But that doesn't mean there won't be times when we need a favor. We try to make those times rare, so that we don't take advantage of anyone, and we offer our help and services to others freely and without expectation of having the favor returned.

But maybe we've gone too far to the extreme in our independence. I guess the fault could lie with us, too. I don't know.

It just...wasn't a great encounter this morning. But I think I should put on my big girl pants and just enjoy the rest of this day! :)

1 comment:

Barb Bathon said...

Well, I know that whole situation, and yes, put the big girl pants on and remember that this is temporary and the situation should get better within the year.