Wednesday, July 21, 2010

7 Quick Takes

Okay. A quick insight into our lives of late.

1. We hosted the Crossroads Pro-Life walkers the weekend of July 9th. We had anywhere from 5 to 12 people sleeping in our house (besides the three of us) over the course of three nights. They were great kids, and it was so fun to have such a full house, and to support such a good cause. Plus, we got to see my brother David, who was super excited to see Miss A, his god-daughter.

2. My friend Susan came to visit the last week in June. She and Miss A were best buds by the time she left. Seriously, I have never seen my kiddo try so hard to make somone laugh! Susan, Miss A, and I had so much fun checking out the Plaza and going to the pool. Hopefully we'll have another visit before it's been another year!

3. I have been working very hard the last 6 weeks to have my house in a constant state of clean. I feel more peaceful when it's tidy. But this goes against my nature (as well as the nature of a toddler), so it's still a struggle some days, but I am happy to say that most days I'm successful.

See? This is my living room at the end of the day.

4. I'm going to learn how to sew. I'm pretty excited about it actually. George's aunt is going to teach me how to use my sewing machine. Hopefully I'll be able to make some things for Miss A before too long.

5. I have not started cloth diapering yet, but it's on the horizon. I'm actually getting pretty excited about it. I think I might phase it in with disposables the first couple weeks (1/2 and 1/2) just to get used to it instead of going cold turkey.

6. We thought we might be moving to Greenville, SC. But we're not.

7. Yet.

1 comment:

Barb Bathon said...

I get it! I hope the number 8 is sooner than later.

Have a great gathering!