Saturday, July 17, 2010

Gone and Done It

Well, folks. I took the leap and bought some cloth diapers. The local natural baby store here in town has a diaper swap every 3 months. Moms bring in their outgrown/homemade/excess cloth diapers and sell 'em for cheap. I've perused the diaper swap websites before, but I'm glad I went this route. I could see them, handle them, really know what I was getting prior to buying.
I got a couple different brands/styles. Most moms I talked to at the swap said their collections of cloth are a mish-mash too. I have slightly less than half of what I need for a full two days worth of dipes. I only bought 7, because I didn't want to go too crazy right away. I saved 60% from what I would have spent on all of these new. It's hard not to buy used when you see the savings. The ones I got are totally stain free, and in great shape (not all used dipes are that way). I got there an hour early, since the last time I observed the swap (when buying shoes for Amy), I noticed that people tend to pop in to the store - which opens 2 hours before the swap starts - and start buying before the designated time.
So with Amy strapped into the Ergo on my back, we browsed and bartered. And I walked away with a few to try. So, we'll see how this goes.

4 Flip covers (in which I will use prefolds), 2 one size All-In-Ones, and 1 medium BottomBumpers All-In-One.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Sorry for the lack of proper editing. Blogger wasn't cooperating with the idea of paragraphs.