Friday, August 6, 2010


It's a well-known fact around here that water is Miss A's very favorite thing. Ever. Pool, tub, water table, name it, she loves it.

After several days of too-hot-to-LIVE heat here in KC, we finally had a nice 80 degree day. Grandma Brown and I took Amy and her cousins, Luna and Alex, out to Crown Center, where they have a fantastic fountain area that kids love to run in and out of. The jets were a little too forceful to let Amy walk through on her own, so I carried her with me while we followed Luna around through the fountains.
We were soaked. It was so fun, and I felt like a kid on those days when the firemen would open the hydrants. It was awesome to hear Amy squeal with delight, and watch her put her hands in the 8ft high fountains.

She cruised around on the benches, and crawled around the perimeter, splashing in the puddles. Then, she let go of one bench and started toddling toward me...and didn't stop!!! She took 10 steps to me, and since that day has been walking non-stop.

The kids were spent, and all of them fell asleep in the car on the way home. Such a fun day.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I know, I know...

Yes, I know I have changed my template about a hundred times this last month. I could say it's because of my terrible lack of decision making skills...OR I can just blame it on the blog websites and the fact that they've had to reformat lately.

Yes. I think I'll go with Door #2.

I don't have much alse to say, so here. I will distract you from the change with photos of the baby. Sorry...the toddler.

This is how most pictures look these days...sitting still? What a crazy idea.

Miss Pouty-Face. So sad.
My girl and her Daddy. She was "saying cheese" for the camera. How cute is that?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

One week in cloth

Well, here we are. One week into cloth diapering, and there have been things that have surprised me, and things that have not.

What has NOT surprised me:

1. Poop is gross.
2. I do like the Flip diapers. A lot.
3. It's definitely a laundry commitment.
4. George is still not a fan.

What HAS surprised me:

1. Cleaning poop off of cloth is still better than spending $$ on diapers.
2. I like cloth diapering.
3. Amy is just as comfortable, if not more so.
4. It is not as ick-inducing as I thought.
5. I liked it so much I went all cloth right away, instead of 1/2 and 1/2 as a test.
6. There is more laundry, but it's not hard to keep up with.
7. I don't mind previously owned diapers, although I am pretty picky about what I choose.
8. The investment was much smaller than I anticipated, thanks to #7, and factory seconds.
9. Her room smells SO much better with the zippered wet bag than it did with a trash can.

So, we've had two leaky cloth diapers so far...and those related to my losing track of time (usually around the dinner hour, when I'm trying to do 10 things at once) and not changing her soon enough. At first I was kind of nervous to take her out of the house in cloth, until I realized we've definitely got a couple of hours in between changes.

I actually really, really like it. And I'm happy that I took the leap and did it. I have four different types of diapers, and want to try a couple more. I have my likes and dislikes, and it's becoming clear which work best for my fairly lean kiddo.

All in all, I think the cloth is staying. George still thinks it's a phase. But even though the ick factor is big for him right now, he's still grateful for the money saved. And that's good enough for me.

Can it get any cuter?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A One-Year-Old.

Once upon a time, we had a baby.
First, the sleepless nights felt as though they would never end.
And it seemed like we waited an eternity for every milestone.
But then, we started thinking, "Wait! Stop! Don't...grow up so fast!"
And before we knew it, we had a one-year-old.
The End.

"For me?"

"Hmmm...I think maybe I'll try it."


Our big girl. Happy Birthday Amy-girl.