Saturday, May 29, 2010

So much to do, so little time

We are busy, busy, BUSY over here these days. Milestones galore! Moving, never sitting still for long, and learning new things every moment (at least it seems that way to Mommy).

Amy is soveryclose to taking those first tentative steps, but still gets a little flustered when she finds herself standing without holding on! She knows when we're about to let go of her as well, and pre-emptively crouches into a sit so we can't make her stand on her own! Cheeky girl. But for now, she LOVES walking behind her push'n'ride toy, and I guess practice makes perfect! :)

She has crossed the threshold from baby foods to more table foods, and boy does she love to eat! She never would sign "more" for us (despite 5 months of effort on our part!), and instead moved right into speaking it! She asks for "Muh!" after every bite, or when she finishes what finger foods she has in front of her.

Speaking of...speaking...This morning, when I told her to say "Hi, doggy!" to Vera (our morning ritual when we wave good morning to the dog), she leaned forward, waved, and said "ha!" Color me amazed...and yet a little skeptical, until...this evening, George was saying "hi" to her, and she would say "ha" back. Then, when I asked her to say doggie, she looked at Vera and said "Dah!"



Also, breaking news: Clapping.

And teeth. (FINally)

That sound you hear? Oh, that's just my heart breaking into a million small pieces because Stop It. Seriously, Amy. It's too much all at once.

She was in a brilliant mood today, and we had such a fun time together. I found myself watching her so much today, realizing how close she is to toddlerhood, and how quickly she is moving away from being my baby. I felt like I was about to turn inside out with how much I love this girl and how wrenching it is to watch her babyhood disappear. I know. I KNOW. There are amazing things on the horizon, and I have always loved the year from 1 to 2. But while she is so busy doing so many new things, I feel the time ticking away and suddenly it feels so short. And then I am so. glad. that I get to be there for it. People say to me sometimes, "But you need time away from her, time with grown-ups." Or, "It would be good for you to be working away from home at least a little bit." And to that I say, Nope. What is good for me is to be right here with her, every day, seeing every little thing she learns to do, experiencing every small moment. It's not that way for everyone, I understand. And I don't judge. But for me, this is as close as I'll get to heaven on earth. I pray every day that God will continue to bless me with this luxury.

As for George and I? We're good. Just continuing to do our best to follow God's will for our lives. We are very, very blessed.

1 comment:

Barb Bathon said...

The milestones just seem to speed up as they go, and then suddenly she will be graduating from High School!