Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Day You Were Born...

This entry is dedicated to my awesome brother Josh who continues to amaze me by becoming an inspriring, incredible grown-up.

The day you were born, I was wearing a pink sweatsuit, and a pink headband. It was my very favorite outfit, and I picked it because it was a very special day. I remember walking down the hallway of the hospital, vaguely hearing dad talking to me about making sure to hold your head or whatever. All I could think about was holding you, a baby. I LOVED babies...just in case you didn't get that. And now you were here, our family's very own new baby! I can still feel the excitement I felt that day. And holding you...I can still see in my mind's eye exactly how you looked. I can still remember looking at you and loving you so much.

And now here we are, 18 years later, and I still look at you and love you SO much. The man you're becoming is awe-inspiring. Your compassion, you empathy, your kindness, your goodness...there are so few young men these days who could hold a candle to you. I am proud to call you my brother, and proud to call you my friend. I'm sorry I can't be there to hear your speech or to see you walk across that stage. But know that as you do, I will still be thinking about the little baby I held for the first time so many years ago, and thanking God for bringing you into our lives. I love you, Josh. Congratulations!

Love, Emmy


Barb Bathon said...

Okay, so it made me cry! I remember the pink ensemble and how proud you were to be the big sister again! And in the middle of a blizzard. How much has happened to all of us and now that Josh is ready to graduate, I am remembering your graduation day as well!


Emily said...

Oh man, almost 10 years ago! It hardly seems possible!