Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving Thanks

This time last year, we were in South Carolina with my family, and I was just pregnant with our Amy. I look back and I feel so amazed at how our lives have changed over the course of one year, and how much God has directed and provided for our little family.

When I lost my job last October, we knew it would be tough. But I've learned a big lesson in doing what we can to be good stewards of our income. And God has always provided a means to extra income, seemingly just when we needed it, be it extra subbing this summer or nannying for Will and Piper over spring break.

He brought us through obstacles in the pregnancy, and now we have our beautiful Amy. And despite a difficult labor, and a c-section to recover from, God provided the means to avoid a second surgery through the c-section. So, I'm grateful for all He has brought us through this year. I'm grateful my family could be with us for Amy's baptism, and for George's family being here, always willing to lend us a hand should we need it. I'm grateful for George's job, in a not-so-secure economy. I'm especially grateful that I get to be with my Amy every day, and that I'm with her for all of her "firsts". I'm grateful for the spit-up, and the hair-pulling, and the frustrating days. I'm grateful for the man I get to walk through life with, and for a God who is in control, even when I feel like I can't get a hold on things.

There is truly much to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving.

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