Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I can't help but be so grateful that God created the idea of the family.  On Friday, my mom, brother Josh, and sister Sarah, spent the whole day driving from South Carolina to spend a few days with us on their way up to Wyoming.  I was pretty excited to be able to spend some quality time with them. We didn't see much of the sights of Kansas City, opting instead to just spend time with one another.  And I thought how wonderful it is that we want to spend time with each other that way.  

I know families who don't get along, don't want to be with each other, don't celebrate with each other or share sorrows with one another.  And while seeing something like that makes me sad, I'm also grateful that my parents cultivated a sense of community among my siblings and I.  I can't imagine living a life without my family.  George's family is also very close, and I'm grateful to have that community here in KC.  I'm grateful that when George and I are blessed with children, they will witness and experience so much love and caring from our families.  They will know that they always have a place where they will be welcomed and loved, and that they will never be alone.  

 And I get to see them again next Wednesday, on the way back from Wyoming, this time with my dad and Mary.  Hopefully at Thanksgiving we will also have David with us!  Its amazing to see all of us kids choose our own paths, and venture out into the world, to grow and become the people God has designed us to be, and still want to be with each other! I miss my family often, but I also know that when George and I start our own family, I will know how to cultivate the kind of community that will both shelter them and encourage them as they grow!

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