Saturday, August 13, 2011

Amy and Max

I admit I was apprehensive about how Amy would adapt to Max once he arrived. We talked about baby Max for months, and I think we prepared her pretty well for the eventuality that Max would be part of our lives outside of Mommy's tummy. But you just never know how a toddler is going to react to such a big change.

I shouldn't have worried. Amy adores Max. She's a typical toddler, never quite aware of what each of her limbs is doing at any given moment, but we can see the effort she makes to be so gentle when she approaches her brother. She adopted that "parentese" way of speaking to him from the first, and she loves to be close to him and hold him. It just makes my heart soar when I see her face when she's looking at him. Yesterday, she proclaimed to Daddy "I love him!", at which point I about melted into a puddle from the sweetness.

I know that in no time at all she'll be bossing him around, but I hope that she stays just as loving and gentle with him for a long time to come.

1 comment:

Barb Bathon said...

Love the comments and the pictures! I knew she would adjust well, and you have made her feel so secure in her place in your family. I am glad she is getting the chance to "hold him" again! No doubt she will boss him around as you did David, but then they will become friends in the end. Along with all the other sibs...