Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cherishing these moments

Time. When it comes to kids, it always seems to be speeding by. My daughter is almost two years old. She amazes, challenges, and amuses me every day. She is hilarious and smart, and ends up in timeout at least 20 times a day (usually a lot more!).

And yet, I find myself feeling so bittersweet about these last few weeks before her brother is born. While I'm so excited to begin our lives as a family of four, I feel her babyhood slipping further and further away. And every day that we get to spend just the two of us feels like a little treasure that I'll get to hold in my heart forever.

I know she probably won't remember much about this summer, just because she's so young, but I hope she knows and feels how much I love this time with her. I hope we can create memories that I can keep and recount to her when she's older.

People keep telling me to relax and take it easy. But I don't want that to be how I spend this time. We go to the pool, to open gym time, to the park, and we are out and about every day. We talk, and giggle, and cuddle. These are our last days when she will be my "only", my baby. And I'm loving each and every minute.

1 comment:

Barb Bathon said...

Time is up Emily, the baby is born, time to put more on the blog!!
Your loving mother!!