Thursday, June 10, 2010

Snip, snip!

Oh, the milestones. It's getting to me, all this growing up she's doing. Today, she had her first haircut. I didn't get photos of the actual process because, well, I only have two hands. But here are the pics of her first locks, and the end result.

I put her in the exersaucer, because I could keep her back to me, and had one hand free to do the cutting. Which was much easier said than done because there was a lot of squirming and "momwhatareyoudoingbackthereIwanttoseewhatareyouholdingthoselookfuntoplaywith".

But I gave her a sippy cup and we were off. There's still a bit of tweaking to be done, but at least it's all even.

For the record, daddy didn't think she needed her hair cut (I think mostly because he couldn't imagine cutting his sweet baybee's hair and think that she might be growing up. he's so cute.).

But the hair that had grown in from the bald spot (from laying on her back) was so much shorter than the hair on either side. It was starting to look like a demented mullet. And I just couldn't have that. So, OCD mommy decided it was time, and daddy will have to deal. Anyone care to place any bets on whether George will notice? I've got $5 on no. ;)


Barb Bathon said...

Well, I would not take that bet, since I remember the days when I would get my hair cut, and colored, and dad would not notice for 3 days! Oh well. I think it is cute, and keep the hair, taped to a page in her baby book, she will have it for later. Of course, it is good DNA for her to use later in life, if she joins the FBI or CIA!!

This is a great milestone!!

Emily said...

Yeah, he totally didn't notice. And yes, I am keeping those little locks. There's a 2x2 envelope in one of her baby books for those "first curls". I wish I could say they're curls, but alas, she has my stick straight hair.

Barb Bathon said...

That is great. I am glad I did not take the bet! Things are good out here in Arizona, and making a trip to Tucson tomorrow to go back to the university for the first time since 1984. And then to the flea market on Sunday, expect a little gift from mom when you visit Greenville. What is happening there?

Emily said...

Well, now I'm not sure I should tell you what's going on here, because we've already strayed too far into communication territory, and I've been forbidden - FORBIDDEN - from communicating with you in any way. :)

still waiting to hear back from Fr. - talked with mike pennell a bit...he's going with another candidate who has the qualifications I don't, but may get back to me if that doesn't pan out - just feeling generally anxious, b/c if we need to come to GV, we need to know soon, so george can give enough notice for time off but also before Fr. leaves for Europe. just self-combusting here. no biggie. called anna blaso 2 days ago. no answer, no call back. vacation maybe?

I'm glad you'll have the chance to go to UnivofAZ. How's grandpa? love you!

Barb Bathon said...

Grandpa is doing great! He had 4 days of chemo this week, on steriods, which mess with his sleeping. Took Tylenol PM to combat that and did great. He has quite a social calendar, between senior workouts at health center, lunches at the senior center, happy hours and potlucks at the RV resort, and pizza parties here at the apartment. He is doing great, and looks good. The chemo experience is unique, and grandpa is fairing better than most. He attributes it to a good attitude and prayer. I agree! I have been getting good exercise and sleep and not worrying about teenagers. It is good for dad, and the kids. I think Blaso's are probably on vacation, leave a few messages if you want, she won't mind. And a very nice lady!

Emily said...

I'm sure you will feel so refreshed after having so much nice time with grandpa! I'm so glad that he's doing well in spite of the chemo. He has a busier schedule than anyone I know, I think! :)
I think the kids are surviving without you ok. The only thing Josh had to complain about was that they had to do everything you normally do around the house! lol. Maybe they'll have more respect for all you do to keep things running smoothly? One can always hope!
I'm glad you're having a nice time. I'm still working on something for is NOT my friend. But I'll conquer it eventually. :)
love you!

Barb Bathon said...

Hello! Just got back from a full day of activity, with a "Friend" of grandpa's. Virginia is very nice, went to the flea market together and drove up to Canyon Lake. She is a gourmet cook and made us dinner. Grandpa got to hang out and sleep at home while she and I did all this running around. She is a wonderful lady, but not liked by "Lola" the other woman at church who has designs on Grandpa. As you can see, he is well taken care of when we are not here!
More chemo tomorrow and visit to the doctor to check his blood levels. Went to the University of Arizona yesterday, and had a nice campus visit. Bought gifts for all, love the shirt for Amy!!

Love you xoxo!

Emily said...

How did grandpa's appointment go? I hope all was well.
I'm glad you had fun with grandpa's "friend"!! Glad he's well taken care of. Too funny about Lola!
do you fly home on the 16th?

love you!

Barb Bathon said...

glad to have talked tonight, and catch up.

Love you!