Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Girl After My Own Tastebuds

I. Love. Raspberries. I remember our raspberry bush in our backyard from when I was four. The smell of them, the juicy red sweetness of them...everything about them is something special. Of course, when you don't have your very own raspberry bush, you have to buy them at the store...and I normally go without them because we all know how pricey one little container of raspberries can be. But these were for my girl.
She had tasted raspberry in her baby food, but she's starting to want to eat more table food, so I saw that the berries were on sale and got some.

She loved playing with them as much as eating them...

She played with them all over her face, too.

"All Done!"
Today, after yesterday's raspberry success, we tried another of momma's faves. Plums!
Again, introduced in the baby food phase, and these were perfectly ripe and sweet. She didn't really share much of it with me! :)

Look at that! You can just feel the juice running down your chin, can't you?

She ate them so fast! Last bite!
Next week, we're going to venture into the realm of non-pureed veggies...squash, zucchini, etc.

1 comment:

Barb Bathon said...

Love those rasberries! She is such a good eater, you are so lucky!!