Sunday, June 6, 2010

Could it be...

a blog that isn't about the baby? You bet. 7 quick takes, no baby added. Here we go...

1. Broadview was purchased by Tyco, which owns ADT. Despite some early promises, we are discovering that when it comes to buyouts, it's business as usual, and hard work done well still takes a back seat to $$. It's been really tough for George, who really values a job well done.

2. It's finally almost summer, and my mood has been lifted with each day of warm sunshine. I LOVE this time of year.

3. I am trying my hand at making some video/photo montages. I am really lacking in the tech department, so we'll see how this goes. I want to send one to my grandfather in AZ, as well as make some more down the road. Wish me luck. It took me an hour of reading and re-reading (and re-re-reading) the manual to figure out how to edit the videos on the camera, and I haven't even gotten to the part where I load them onto the computer! Yikes.

4. God is really asking us to abandon ourselves to Him and His plans right now. This is very tough on both of us. Me, because He is asking me to patiently surrender control, and George because He is asking him to leave his comfort zone and trust Him. "Come, follow me," our Lord said. We're trying...

5. My goal for the summer is to learn how to sew. I have my mother's old sewing machine, and once I figure out what's wrong with the tension, it should work beautifully. I'm excited to try my hand at some projects!

6. I have been feeling VERY called toward learning/doing a lot of things that would make us rely less on commercialism, and more on the resources God has given us. Gardening (for food), composting, sewing, and baking/cooking from scratch are just some of the things I've been feeling very drawn to lately. I'm sure there is a reason, although it might take some doing to bring George on board with composting!!

7. My brother Josh graduated from high school last weekend, and we are so proud of him!! I can't believe he's so grown up, but he turned into an awesome guy, and I look forward to visiting him at ND next fall!

That's all for now, I was really, really hard to find some things to write about that didn't include you-know-who. Man, I need some hobbies.


Barb Bathon said...


It was wonderful to read about how you are trying so many new things! The great thing is that you are telling all of us things and not by phone or email. Hint, hint, I think I am among the readers who checks this daily, and it is okay to share some stuff cryptically and the big boss in Gville will not see!


Emily said...

Thanks mom. Upcoming...Amy's first haircut.

Barb Bathon said...

Cant' wait to see the pictures!