Monday, March 1, 2010

And again with the time going by all too fast...7 Quick Takes

I confess this is not an original idea. I have seen it on other blogs, but saw it for the first time on, of whose blog I am a loyal "lurker" (to use a blogger term) So, here is our 7 quick takes debut:

1. We have survived the first bout of sickness to hit all of us. I can't remember the last time I had to take antibiotics, but I am grateful that Amy and I had a pretty healthy winter until now.

2. Amy got to go outside in the snow for the first time the other day. She was totally fascinated by the HUGE flakes that were coming down.

3. Yesterday, we took Amy to the park. It was a little chilly, but much nicer than it has been for a long time, so we decided to let her try out a swing! At first, she seriously doubted our capabilities as parents, but after a little while (and finding the right position for her to sit) she started to enjoy it. I'm really looking forward to the summer and all the outdoor things we'll be able to do!

4. Amy has been very slow to put on weight the last few months, and so she was scheduled for a weight check a month following her 6 month appt. When she saw the doctor when she was sick (which was two weeks after her 6 month check), she had put on 7 ounces! The doctor was really pleased with that, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that at her next weight check on the 17th she gets another good report.

5. I've been doing some extra office work for a family I used to nanny for - the dad has his own accounting business. It's been such a blessing to have a little extra income, and I can take Amy with me during her naptime. Fortunately she sleeps well in her carseat, so I can get some work done while she sleeps. Who knows how long she'll be so cooperative! :)

6. We have been doing Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace program for three years now. There have definitely been some bumps in the road, but this Lent, I am making a sincere effort to be even more dedicated to our efforts in our debt snowball, and a better steward of the gifts God has given us.

And I saved the very best for last!

7. On Valentine's Day, my mom, my brother Josh, my sisters Mary and Sarah, and George's family joined us as George became a member of the Catholic Church! It was such a special day for us, and I am so grateful that our little family is now all of one faith! I am mostly so glad for Amy (and any other children God blesses us with), that we will be unified as a family in our faith, and that George and I will be able to lead our family together.

And now, some pictures for your enjoyment, because I know that's what you're really here for!


Barb Bathon said...


Great 7 Quick Takes! I am so glad to hear all the good news, and see the great pictures! We were so glad to be with you for the blessed event for George. Just wish the weather had let us stay longer. But look forward to your trip here to Greenville in a couple of weeks.


Barb Bathon said...


We are ready for pictures from the trip to Greenville!
