Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It feels like forever since I managed to write on this blog...probably beause it has been almost 5 months! That is an eternity in blog time, but I am happy to say that there will be much more to write about from now on!

We went on our camping trip, and although it was only for a couple of days, it was a really wonderful time that the two of us spent together without any distractions. Working together setting up a tent in the dark, hiking, taking photos, going swimming at the beach, making food over a campfire...it was all fun! The weather was not too hot, but not too cold at night, and in general we had a blast!
At the end of Sepember, George volunteered to be a travel technician and spend two weeks in Minneapolis working for Brinks there. It was a very lonely time for me, but I got to visit Minneapolis during the weekend in between, and when I was home, Vera kept me company, and I spent a lot of time with Gary and Janice, which made me feel close to George even though he was away.
It was a difficult month for us. Partway through the month, I lost my job, which was difficult at first, but turned out to be a blessing for us, as I am now substitute teaching, which is a very good fit for me. Additionally, we rejoiced in the providence of Dave Ramsey's program (which we have followed for 2 years now) which had us prepared financially for several months if necessary. Fortunately, God led me to something just right for me in a very short time, and by mid-November, I was waiting for my sub certificate, the last step before beginning to substitute.

The last weekend in October, we had the privelege of attending the ordination of a longtime friend in South Bend. We got to stay with my Aunt Colleen and Uncle Paul, and see my Aunt Maureen as well. It was also the first time in almost a year that our whole family had been together. It was a wonderful weekend.
The weekend George came back from Minneapolis we also were surprised and overjoyed to find out that Marcie and Alejandro would be having another baby in June!
The biggest month of the year for us! God decided that the timing was right for our family to expand! The week before Thanksgiving, we found out that we were having a baby! It was such beautiful timing, too, because we were able to tell my parents, Josh, Mary, and Sarah in person that we were expecting when we visited them the next week for Thanksgving. George's family rejoiced as well, since next summer there will be two new grandchildren to join the Brown clan!

Thanksgiving was wonderful, and we enjoyed our first visit to South Carolina!


Another big month! We had our first sonograms, and celebrated Christmas with many of George's cousins and aunts and uncles, and his Laber grandparents! It was a wonderful holiday, and the next week, we rang in the new year with Gary, Janice, Marcie, Alejandro, and Luna.

And finally...January

So far, this has been a great month! I began subbing regularly (the couple of weeks before Christmas were filled with snow days, and not many teachers took off the other days prior to break). I also have just about reached the second trimester mark...just a few more days!
This past weekend, we had my cousin Andrew Wieber to visit for the weekend, which was wonderful and we showed him around Kansas City and just really enjoyed his company!
This coming weekend, I will begin rehearsing for La Traviata at the Lyric Opera, which we will perform in March, and the following weekend we will take a look at a house we may be able to rent in Lee's Summit, since we are planning on moving there when our lease is up in April.

So, there have been both endings and new beginnings in the last few months, and a big new adventure up ahead! Stay tuned, as the posting will definitely be more regular now!

As always, with much love,
Emily and George

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Emily and George,

This is a wonderful update! I am glad to see all the pictures, and a good synopsis of the events of the past few months. I also look forward to granmotherhood, and being there for our new grandchild!