Monday, April 21, 2008

We're moving! And other various and sundry items.

Hello all!

I think we are finally going to be utilizing our blog more frequently as things are certainly changing quickly here.

Probably most exciting...we are moving into a house! yay! I cannot express what a joy it will be to sit in a backyard in the afternoon, park a car in our garage, and mow our lawn! It will also be exciting for our newest addition, our dog, Vera. Running is, of course, one of her favorite things to do, so having a yard all to herself for just such a pastime will hopefully be very enjoyable in her doggie world.

I am also in the process of searching for a new job, and had a very positive interview on Friday. So keep me in your prayers. It would be great to have a new job all sewn up a month ahead of schedule! I should find out this week...

George is still with Brinks, and they are coming up on their busy time in the summer. But we are both beginning to think about giving lessons. Since we'll be in a house, that will be monumentally easier. I may teach voice and beginning piano, while George is considering teaching guitar and percussion...although that may require some soundproofing!!! :)

That's all for now, but stay tuned! Much love to all!


Barb Bathon said...


Thank you for giving me the address of the blogspot, and looking forward to keeping up with all the events through the blog. Not that we don't talk almost everyday, but nice pictures too!



Barb Bathon said...

Thanks for the address, and glad to read your blog often. I know the move will go well, and we look forward to seeing you at Memorial Day.



Sarah Bathon said...

hey Em and George!
your new house is gorgeous. also congrats on getting the job emily.
hows V? hope to see you soon,
