Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Embrace the Camera

I've loved this concept since the first time I saw it. The idea is that we moms (and dads) are so frequently behind the camera taking pictures of our children, instead of being in the pictures with them, for whatever it discomfort with being in front of the camera, or just never thinking to jump in there with our kids.

This whole movement is about creating these memories so that your children can look back and see the moments that you were a part of. As someone who lost a parent as a child, I can say that I truly cherish and love those photos of me and my mother, and of our family together. I love seeing her face as she looked at me, and at my dad and brother. I want my daughter to have those photos to look back on, too.

Embrace the camera today!

Wordless Wednesday

Thursday, November 4, 2010

7 Quick Takes: The I'm-so-busy/tired-I can't-even-update-my-blog Version

Sorry folks. I've definitely phoned it in the last couple of weeks. What started out as an effort to expand my blog ideas became an awesome excuse to post a pic and say "Tada! I blogged!", when in fact, no such thing occurred. So. Sorry about that.

1. The kids are keeping me on my toes, and on the caffeine. I reflected the other day that, while I feel very confident caring for three kids, when I have three kids that are mine, I won't get to send them home at the end of the day. Yikes. They are fun, but suck all your energy out by 9am. Still, we're in a good routine now, and everybody seems happy.

2. Amy is 15 months old, and right on target. Her pediatrician actually described her growth curve as "beautiful". She has 28 words, and has suddenly morphed from "Grumpy Toddler" to "Silly Toddler". It's a nice change.

3. I am not doing well on my personal weight loss journey. But I'm still trying, so that's something.

4. Our pediatrician is leaving for another practice. We have loved her immensely (and ironically, she is joining the practice in Olathe where we first took Amy. The doctor we also loved there went to school with and recommended our current doctor. sigh.), and we are super sad she'll no longer be Amy's doctor. Is it inappropriate to give a small gift of appreciation before she goes? Cause I really want to get her a present. And perhaps grab her leg and scream and cry, "Please don't leeeave us!" Well, not really. I swear.

5. Amy was a bee for Halloween. She didn't get the process yet, but she did tolerate a costume with a hood for a couple hours. That was kind of amazing.

6. I'm really missing my family these days. Because we don't know what'll be happening with George's job, we're trying to be frugal and not travel over the holidays. This will be the first time since I got married that I won't see my family for either Thanksgiving or Christmas. Not knowing the next time I'll see them makes it even harder to be so far away.

7. George is taking Amy to a toddler music and movement class tomorrow night, since I'll be working. I think it'll be a good opportunity for them to bond, since she's still a hard-core Mommy's girl. Please pray that it's a positive experience for both of them!

Well, that's it from here. I'll try and be a little more on top of writing posts on the weekend so I only have to click "Publish" later. steps, Emily, baby steps.