Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Girl After My Own Tastebuds

I. Love. Raspberries. I remember our raspberry bush in our backyard from when I was four. The smell of them, the juicy red sweetness of them...everything about them is something special. Of course, when you don't have your very own raspberry bush, you have to buy them at the store...and I normally go without them because we all know how pricey one little container of raspberries can be. But these were for my girl.
She had tasted raspberry in her baby food, but she's starting to want to eat more table food, so I saw that the berries were on sale and got some.

She loved playing with them as much as eating them...

She played with them all over her face, too.

"All Done!"
Today, after yesterday's raspberry success, we tried another of momma's faves. Plums!
Again, introduced in the baby food phase, and these were perfectly ripe and sweet. She didn't really share much of it with me! :)

Look at that! You can just feel the juice running down your chin, can't you?

She ate them so fast! Last bite!
Next week, we're going to venture into the realm of non-pureed veggies...squash, zucchini, etc.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

summer days

sitting in an old diaper of her favorite toys


studying her composition techniques

sharing with daddy

man I love this kid.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

musings on a Sunday evening...

i confess.
i am a lurker...i lurk on blogs i love, without ever commenting because they are friends of friends, or people i will likely never meet.
but i often find inspiration and encouragment through their words.

today, i read these lyrics on a blog:

"you are mine, you are loved,
you have always been thought of
when you hurt i feel it every time;
you are mine, you are loved,
and i'm never giving up
till i've dried all the tears you cry...
it was worth it all
you are worth it all.

no matter where you go i'll come and find you,
you are precious to me, my everything."

these lyrics spoke to me as a mother,
and were posted by another mother as she was going through a difficult pregnancy.
the group FFH penned these lyrics from the perspective of God to us,
His children,
but i think it applies to parents' love for their children, too.
it brought to mind how lucky we are as mothers and fathers
to participate in the all-giving love exemplified by our loving God.
to know so intimately the kind of love God offers us is a gift.

let's be grateful today for this vocation,
and the small glimpse of heaven it gives us.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Snip, snip!

Oh, the milestones. It's getting to me, all this growing up she's doing. Today, she had her first haircut. I didn't get photos of the actual process because, well, I only have two hands. But here are the pics of her first locks, and the end result.

I put her in the exersaucer, because I could keep her back to me, and had one hand free to do the cutting. Which was much easier said than done because there was a lot of squirming and "momwhatareyoudoingbackthereIwanttoseewhatareyouholdingthoselookfuntoplaywith".

But I gave her a sippy cup and we were off. There's still a bit of tweaking to be done, but at least it's all even.

For the record, daddy didn't think she needed her hair cut (I think mostly because he couldn't imagine cutting his sweet baybee's hair and think that she might be growing up. he's so cute.).

But the hair that had grown in from the bald spot (from laying on her back) was so much shorter than the hair on either side. It was starting to look like a demented mullet. And I just couldn't have that. So, OCD mommy decided it was time, and daddy will have to deal. Anyone care to place any bets on whether George will notice? I've got $5 on no. ;)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Could it be...

a blog that isn't about the baby? You bet. 7 quick takes, no baby added. Here we go...

1. Broadview was purchased by Tyco, which owns ADT. Despite some early promises, we are discovering that when it comes to buyouts, it's business as usual, and hard work done well still takes a back seat to $$. It's been really tough for George, who really values a job well done.

2. It's finally almost summer, and my mood has been lifted with each day of warm sunshine. I LOVE this time of year.

3. I am trying my hand at making some video/photo montages. I am really lacking in the tech department, so we'll see how this goes. I want to send one to my grandfather in AZ, as well as make some more down the road. Wish me luck. It took me an hour of reading and re-reading (and re-re-reading) the manual to figure out how to edit the videos on the camera, and I haven't even gotten to the part where I load them onto the computer! Yikes.

4. God is really asking us to abandon ourselves to Him and His plans right now. This is very tough on both of us. Me, because He is asking me to patiently surrender control, and George because He is asking him to leave his comfort zone and trust Him. "Come, follow me," our Lord said. We're trying...

5. My goal for the summer is to learn how to sew. I have my mother's old sewing machine, and once I figure out what's wrong with the tension, it should work beautifully. I'm excited to try my hand at some projects!

6. I have been feeling VERY called toward learning/doing a lot of things that would make us rely less on commercialism, and more on the resources God has given us. Gardening (for food), composting, sewing, and baking/cooking from scratch are just some of the things I've been feeling very drawn to lately. I'm sure there is a reason, although it might take some doing to bring George on board with composting!!

7. My brother Josh graduated from high school last weekend, and we are so proud of him!! I can't believe he's so grown up, but he turned into an awesome guy, and I look forward to visiting him at ND next fall!

That's all for now, I was really, really hard to find some things to write about that didn't include you-know-who. Man, I need some hobbies.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Day In The Life

Just a few candids of what we do all day. Gone are the days of just laying around! ;)

Practicing her "moves" for when she takes those first big steps!

Now that it's nice out, she plays a lot at her water table! She LOVES the water.

Pretty Pretty Princess

And of course, there is always time for eating. Mandarin oranges are the big favorite right now. Posted by Picasa
If I could get a picture of her sleeping to round out our day, I would. But it would wake her up. And that just wouldn't do.