Saturday, January 30, 2010

Six Months

I really have no words. She is getting so big, and I am quite thrown by the whole My Baby Is Starting To Look Like A Little Girl business. So here. I appease you with pictures of the last 6 months. Nom Nom Nom.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

In the blink of an eye...

Suddenly my girl is Oh So Grown Up. It seems like only yesterday we were waiting in breathless anticipation for these milestones, and now I feel like I can barely keep up with each new skill. She sits up all the time, all on her own. She doesn't really need the pillow I set behind her, she almost never topples over anymore. She can pick up cups, pick up a ball with one hand, and drink from a sippy cup.

I feel tears come to my eyes a dozen times a day
as I try to take a mental snapshot of these moments when I see her learn something new and I feel so acutely how quickly she is growing up. There are brief moments when she rests her head on my shoulder, thumb in mouth, only to pick it back up again and screech in my face, waiting with a smile for me to mimic her.

She knows how to feel the textures in the touch-and-feel books, loves when we pat our hands over her mouth as she makes one long sustained sound. She reaches out with her little hands to explore my face, and we nuzzle our noses together in the quiet sleepy moments. I am trying to relish even the challenging moments when she is whiny or clingy, knowing the time is just around the corner when she'll be off and running and not need me so much anymore.

She amazes me every day, and I feel so, so blessed.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

In Which We Take Pictures Of Our Child In Various Hats For Our Own Amusement

Hi Momma! Hi Daddy!

Wait a minute...what are you guys up to?

I'm not participating in this. You guys are on your own.

What are you laughing at?

Daddy's hat.
Indiana Jones has nothin' on me.
Salud Chivas!

OK, guys. You've had your fun. How about I take my bath now?.

Don't even think about putting that tupperware container on my head. Yeah. I know you thought about it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Ode to sweet potatoes

Mmmm...appetizing, yes?
The part where she practically grabs my hand to get the food to her mouth because Oh My Lord, woman, you are not moving fast enough!!!


Must lick all remnants off face...

"I honestly don't know WHY it takes you so long between bites mother. I'd do it myself if my fine motor skills were better. "

It's hard work being such a big girl.