Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We are one body of Christ

This past weekend, we celebrated Amy's baptism into the Catholic Church. It was a very emotional weekend for me, watching as my daughter was welcomed into her faith, and also knowing what a great responsibility her father and I have to bring her up faithfully according to the Word of God.

My brother David and George's and my close friend Dawn were there as Amy's God Parents. They are such wonderful examples of what it is to live and witness their faith. It is such an honor for us to have them be such a special part of her life!

My whole family: Amy's Pop-Pop, Grandma, Uncle David, Uncle Josh, Aunt Mary, and Aunt Sarah, and Great-Grandpa Wilson were all there to celebrate with us! My Grandpa Wilson, a deacon, came all the way from Phoenix to baptize Amy! It was so special...he also married us, so we are hopefully starting a tradition for our family! George's mom and dad, his Brown Grandparents, and his Uncle Wint, Aunt Julie, and cousin Hayley were there as well! I was so happy they were all able to be there with us to celebrate!

Janice and Gary had a beautiful lunch reception at their house after the baptism, and all in all it was a beautiful day!

We were so thankful to be able to spend the day with those we love most!