Friday, August 28, 2009

In A Nutshell...

There is a blog that I read daily, written by a mom, for other moms. It's her job, and she actually gets paid for it. I'm really glad that's not my job. I'd be broke.

I apologize for the lack of updates to this blog! It's not for lack of information, but lack of attention. But now, we've got plenty to post about!

As you can plainly guess, the rest of the pregnancy progressed, and the blood clot absorbed, and was gone at our 20 week appointment. We were so relieved and thankful to be past that bump in the road. We also, however, discovered an ovarian cyst at that appointment. There was some talk of surgery while pregnant, which really frightened George and I both, but in the end, my doctor decided it was a very stable cyst and we could remove it several weeks after the baby was born. I got monthly sonograms to check on the cyst, and to make sure it wasn't growing too large or affecting the baby's growth. Luckily, that also meant we got a lot of great pics of our girl!

In the end, after many months of waiting, a day of non-progressive labor, and a c-section, our daughter Amy Kathryn Brown made her debut on the evening of July 30. My doctor was there to do the surgery, which was a great relief to me, and George AND my mom got to be in the operating room with me (usually only one person gets to be in there)! My mom watched the whole surgery too! George watched the baby. Surgery is not his thing! ;) A great bonus to the c-section was that my doctor removed the cyst too, so I don't have to plan on another surgery.

Amy was so healthy and pink and 8lb 7 oz! Holy cow! She has reddish blonde hair, and the sweetest little face. Long fingers, and her daddy's feet. My dad declared that she looked just like me when I was born.

Since then (almost a month!!!) she has continued to grow well, and is already 10 & 1/2 lbs! She is very healthy, and cuter every day! It took me a while to recover, and to feel all those gushy feelings moms talk about, but now they are in full force and there are so many moments during the day when I look at her and tears well up in my eyes at the miracle she is, and how lucky we are to have her.

We are getting ready for her baptism next weekend, and our families and even some of George's extended family will be there to celebrate with us! I am so excited! Hopefully I will have it together enough to blog about it! But for now enjoy some pics of our beautiful girl!