Thursday, August 28, 2008

Changes and Challenges

Hello all!

Well, its been a while, but its also been a pretty quiet month. Last August was not an easy one, so its been nice to have some uneventful time. To top it all off, we have been having unusually cool (low 80's) temps here for almost the entire month. Compared to last summers multiple 100+ days, it has been glorious. 

I (Emily) had my upper wisdom teeth out a couple of weeks ago, which are healing well, but there have been major secondary problems with my jaw muscles, having to do with a combination of things (surgery, too much jaw stress too soon after surgery, and nighttime clenching and grinding).  I am starting to get to the bottom of the pain, and working on techniques for relaxing those muscles so, God-willing, healing will not be far behind.  Please pray for me - that I will be able to have joy in the midst of suffering and remember that the Lord has given me a gift for the greater good of something or someone outside of myself.

I also took a risk yesterday and cut my hair very short.  While it may seem superficial, it was a great exercise in letting go of the things that hold me back.  I too often give into anxiety and uncertainty, instead of rejoicing at the bountiful gifts the Lord puts in our lives on a daily basis. And it felt good to let go! To try something new, and to dismiss the anxiety. It is a small surface thing, but if I can do those little things, I can go on to do bigger things!  

Of course, one thing I never have trouble taking joy in is our niece, Luna.  That little girl can make me smile through anything.  Children bring me joy no matter what they are doing.  For some reason, I am able to see the big picture, even in the midst of a temper tantrum or fussing.  These things in particular never give me much anxiety or worry (which isn't to say I haven't come to a point of exhaustion after a three hour crying session!).   And it is in those moments that I know without a moment's hesitation that God gave me such a beautiful gift in that.  I can never understand people who don't like children. I don't mean that in an impatient way, or a judging manner, but in that I simply cannot comprehend it. Much the way that I can't comprehend the awesomeness of God, I can't comprehend the very thought of not being joyful at the wonder of God's creation in a child. They are so miraculous. So filled with wonder, newness, abandon, joy.  And I've lost patience, been frustrated, sure.  But still the joy remains.  And I think, with great anticipation, of the time when I will be a mother, and I pray that my joy will be a thousand-fold. 

That got a lot more philosophical than I anticipated, but most of my blogs turn out that way, so why not? :)

George is good. He's technician of the month (AGAIN!) I think this is 6 or 7 for him.  I praise God that he blessed me with a man who works as hard and with as much integrity as my husband does.  

We are off to camp this weekend...hopefully we will have good weather for some hikes and some fun on the lake! 

Happy Labor Day!

Much love.